Another Happy Friday Demo from FSM Inc.

To help kick off the weekend we are giving you a new demo from the forthcoming FSM record. You’ve heard of #TBT and #FF now we offer #newFSMsongfriday. Just to change things up we used the Rock Shape Derrick international logo for this image. So throw your own rock shapes and sing along with Tad won’t you……

Let us know what you think…

Besos Y Abrazos……….


Derrick is not dead…….

[vimeo id=”79955108″ align=”left” mode=”lazyload”]


Hola Peeps,

So to prove all the conspiracy theorists wrong we made a new video tonight that proves without a doubt that Der is in fact still alive. I know what you all were saying but he does live and he can still play guitar….

It was fun to make a little video for you all to enjoy. Thanks to all of you that voted on what FSM song you wanted us to do acoustically and the winner is……………..Dilate.

I can hear the moan coming through my computer monitor. Not to worry we will eventually do all of the songs that you requested but for now we had to make this one for our dear friend Jamie or sweet J. A friend and fan of FSM for what seems like a million years. We need to apologize to all current and former girlfriends of J’s deep devotion to FSM that every gift he ever gave his girlfriends whether it was a birthday or boxing day was always a FSM CD. If they were lucky they would even get the single of Dilate to go in the Christmas stocking….Bless him.

What you have in the video above was us trying to capture the spirit of that devotion from our dear Friend.

Thanks for all that you do.



Special Guest arrives at FSM Inc

[vimeo id=”78501341″ align=”left” mode=”lazyload” autoplay=”yes”]


Hola party people,

We had a special guest drop by the studio. As you can see from the video above we all had a laugh introducing our good friend and former bass player Steve Carter. It was fun to sit in with Steve and lament over days gone by. Like the time we all made him throw his ugly nurse looking shoes out of the tour bus somewhere in France.(littering is wrong, but those shoes had to go) Or the time Der passed out in the “Coffee Bar” in Amsterdam. Or watching Tad’s face swell up like a pumpkin after he ate some bamboo shoots that were put in our Authentic Chinese food we ordered in Germany somewhere. (a small word of advice, Germany is not the homeland of authentic Chinese food)

It was a great day to see our old friend. Have a look at the photos for proof as everyone thought Steve was lost in the Bermuda Triangle all of these years. Make sure to comment on his first recording in over 10 years. (yes, we made him play acoustic guitar)

Until the next installment………



Steve Drums??

Steve Rehearsals